日時: 2013年4月26日(金) 17:00 – 21:00
場所: 理学部6号館 低層棟1F ロビー
■合同ゼミ 17:00-18:30
・Marie Python(6G・助教)
「IODP Exp. 345 – Hess Deep Plutonic Crust :高速拡大軸で掘削された始原層 状はんれい岩」
IODP Expedition 345 returned to the Hess Deep Rift almost exactly 20 years after the ODP drilling Leg 147. The Hess Deep Rift is a located the triple point formed by the junction of the Cocos Nazca Ridge and the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR). It exposes a dismembered, but nearly complete lower crustal section of plutonic crust. in Coring in ~4850 m water depth was a technical challenge but Olivine gabbros, gabbros, gabbronorites and troctolites were successfully recovered. Shipboard petrography has revealed the presence of late patches of clinopyroxene in fine grained troctolite and possible early crystallization of orthopyroxene which is unexpected and challenges current models of melt extraction from the mantle and MORB differentiation.
Alteration processes within the deeper parts of the oceanic crust are still ambiguous, due to the virtual isolation of in-situ rocks from these depths. Hess Deep gabbros and troctolite show the dominance of background greenschist/subgreenschist-facies chloritisaltion of olivine in addition to prehnitisation of plagioclase associated with cataclastic deformation. Localised low-temperature alteration is possibly due to Cocos-Nazca rifting
・朝比奈 健太 (5G・研究員)
■新歓コンパ 19:00-21:00